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Data Logging

Discover Klipspringer's extensive range of data loggers that measure temperature, humidity, and more. A number of loggers suitable for a variety of applications, including Critical Control Points (CCPs), cooling curves, in-transit temperature monitoring, oven logging, and more. Looking to choose the right logger, click here for our Logger Configurator.

For Wireless Monitoring Systems with real-time data and instant alarm notifications, click here.

LEBI-20 Data Loggers LEBI-20 Data Loggers Versatile family of loggers suitable for most basic applications monitoring CCPs, cooling curves, in storage, in transit temperatures and RH levels. View products
USB Data Loggers USB Data Loggers Single and multiuse USB loggers that do not require software or interface. Simply generates pdf report when connected to PC. Probe options available. View products
Bluetooth Data Loggers Bluetooth Data Loggers Bluetooth dataloggers which give you all the benefits of real-time logging and alarms without the hassle of complicated set-up and programming. View products
Microloggers Microloggers Stands taller at being smaller! Budget friendly compact data loggers suitable for a wide variety of in-process, environmental, and in transit applications. View products
GPS Data Loggers GPS Data Loggers GPS loggers that measure real time temperature and light, as well as tracking location. Alerts can be sent via SMS and email, with all data stored in the cloud and downloadable via USB. View products
Single Use USB Temperature Data Loggers Single Use USB Temperature Data Loggers As a pre-configured device, Single Use USB Temperature Data Loggers provide instant information on collected temperature data in storage or transport. View products
In-Process Data Loggers In-Process Data Loggers In-Process Validation Loggers offer precise temperature measurement during processes such as sterilisation, pasteurisation, cooking, cooling, and deep-freezing. View products