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Glass Breakage, Allergen and BioHazard Spill Kits

Compliant with Version 9 of the BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard, Klipspringer’s range of Dedicated Spillage Kits will help your team to manage incidents safely, quickly, and effectively. 

With the new Standard expecting sites to have "waste handling and spillage controls" for allergenic materials, along with a procedure to "manage any spills" of non-food chemicals, we have ensured our range of kits has an equipment bundle for every potential risk. 

Whether you require a kit to handle hazardous materials, bio hazards, allergens, or glass, you will have the option of introducing a Designated Spill Kit Shadow Board to your site - ensuring your equipment is housed in a prominent position, ready for use when the need arises. 

What's more, if an incident does occur, replacing your essentials will be a straightforward process thanks to our range of Spill Kit Refill Packs.