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Many production, storage and distribution facilities are introducing face visors to protect staff from the spread of Covid-19. 

Sanitisation and storage of reusable face shields is equally as critical to control risk of infection.  What steps have you put in place to ensure face shields on your site do not become bacterial and viral hot-spots?

 Clean and dry

Condensation build-up on the inside of visors is a perfect harbour for bacteria and viruses!  As well as being kept clean and sanitised, face shields must also be stored dry.

 Right place, right time

Ensuring organised storage prevents unnecessary exposure and mix-up which would risk cross-contamination.  Failure to comply with the requirements can cause anxiety among team members, making it important for workers to be able to access their face shield quickly, safely and easily. 

 Prevent damage

Face shields stored in lockers risks a high damage rate. With stocks in short supply and budgets stretched, can you afford for this unnecessary wastage, cost and downtime?  A dedicated storage station is essential to protect your face shields.

Use dedicated face visor stations to protect equipment, maximise safety and minimise risk.

  • Keep face shields clean and dry when not in use. 
  • Ensure face shields are always on hand - right place, right time.
  • Prevent damage.
  • Stop cross-contamination by writing user's name alongside their face shield/visor. 
  • Support hygiene best practice - stations include provision for wipes.
  • Greater visibility - instantly see who isn't wearing their visor when they should be, as well as who hasn't returned their visor at end of shift. 
  • Mobile options available - position in any location you require.
  • Choose from 3 standard options or request your own bespoke design to match your exact requirements. 

Choose from Klipspringer's 3 standard face visor station designs, or request your own customised PPE storage station.

Discuss your requirements directly with our specialist team today –
call 01473 461 800

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