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As we adapt to the new normal, what steps are you taking to ensure hygiene standards are maintained within your team?

Whilst there is a majority currently who are obeying sanitisation advice in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, there are 4 high-risk categories which every business needs to plan for in the immediate future, especially in preparation for bringing more employees back to work:

  1. 1. The no-washers.  A small percentage of people have poor personal hygiene and are showing no regard for the hand sanitisation requirements.  Whilst a minority, they run the risk of causing problems for the majority.
  2. 2. The accidentally-forgotters.  Everyone is under extra pressure at present and it makes it easy for even the most vigilant hand washers to easily forget as they run to action that urgent task.
  3. 3. The "it's ok now" crowd.  Complacency is one of the biggest risks as we move forward and adapt to the 'new normal', partly as a result of the familiarity and boredom that the last few weeks have created for some.  Now that people have got over the initial panic presented by Covid-19, there's a high probability that this category will be less diligent in taking preventative action. 
  4. 4. The sneezers.  Sneezing and coughing is a natural part of life and can happen anywhere; you won't be able to prevent it so instead have to prepare for it.  Now is more important than ever to ensure that hands are thoroughly washed, or at the least sanitised, each and every time.

The answer to all 4 scenarios is an increased number of strategically located sanitisation stations.  From doors to shop floors, and from offices to PPE stations, map out your facility to identify high-risk points that can turned into low risk or 'no risk', simply by ensuring adequate sanitisation provision and awareness.

Ensure your site has additional strategically placed hand sanitisation points with Klipspringer's range of highly visual  stations. 

Discuss your requirements directly with our specialist team today –
call 01473 461 800

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